Coldwell Banker Bahamas Real Estate Blog

Easter in the Islands

2017-04-10 13:33:08 by: Athena Mabon

Photo of Bahamas real estate.

Easter in the islands of the Bahamas starts long before day breaks on Easter Sunday.

The Bahamas has a large Christian population and so for many, the Easter season starts with Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, and continues for 40 days. It's a time for reflection and for some, abstaining from certain pleasures, such as meat or movies.

The small Jewish population takes time out on Maundy Thursday to reflect on the last supper and the Passover when the first born of the Egyptians were killed for refusing to allow their Hebrew slaves to leave.

Easter is also a time to dress up our Bahamas homes with lilies and straw baskets of hand blown and painted eggs.

We love to entertain, and so our homes become a welcome centre with lots of tasty food, such as pineapple glazed ham and hot cross buns, on offer.

Beaching and boating are also big in the Bahamas at this time of year as the water starts to warm up (our friends from the north don't think it gets that cold)!

Easter in the Bahamas is a four day holiday for office workers.

From Good Friday to Easter Monday, a large portion of the Bahamas' population takes a break to celebrate.

Our Bahamas homes are infused with the smells of wonderful cooking - crispy fried fish, peppery mac and cheese and coconut tarts.

The islands are ablaze in all the vibrant colours of the hibiscus, bougainvillea and poui flowers outside our homes.

The mahi mahi's running and the fishing's hot!

Come and visit us and explore our Bahamas real estate offerings, islands and culture to get a taste of what Bahamas living is really all about.