Coldwell Banker Bahamas Real Estate Blog

Easter in the Islands of the Bahamas

2014-04-15 16:19:12 by: AD
mailin sunset

Day Break on Easter Morning

For four days – from Good Friday to Easter Monday – a large portion of the Bahamas' population takes a break to celebrate Easter.

Our homes are infused with the smells of wonderful cooking - pineapple glazed ham, crispy fried fish, peppery mac and cheese and hot cross buns - as we get ready for Easter Sunday.

An unseasonably warm winter has given way to Spring with the islands dressed in all the vibrant colours of the hibiscus, bougainvillea and poui flowers.

The mahi mahi's running and us island folk are venturing into the 80 degree F sea after “winter.”

The Bahamas has a large Christian population. When the sun rises on the Easter weekend, it's to the faithful getting ready for Church.

The services are always jammed as people come together to mark the sadness of Good Friday – the day commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ – and the triumph of Easter Sunday when He rose from the dead.

The small Jewish population takes time out on Maundy Thursday to reflect on the last supper and the Passover when the first born of the Egyptians were all killed because of their refusal to allow their Hebrew slaves to leave.

Throughout homes in the Bahamas, they'll be lots of get-togethers with grilling and Easter egg hunts.

Owning Bahamas real estate has lots of advantages, such as being able to enjoy the company of family and friends in our homes at holiday time.

This is a great time to look at Bahamas real estate when everyone's homes are spruced up for the occasion.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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